Project Hygiene Eugene
Update: Project Hygiene Eugene continues with another 140 Hygiene Kits made! As we continue this Project, we look forward to increasing the scope of our operations. Keep checking back with more updates and announcements. Thank you everyone!
Our one year planned event was completed with 100 Hygiene Kits made. It was a special day for us, the culmination of a plan that started in 2022. We want to thank everyone who participated in helping us make this a success. We will use this momentum and everything we have learned to grow our non-profit and do our best to provide the best possible hygiene products for those in need.
UPDATE: We have finalized the place, time, and date for our event. It will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Church Eugene. The date will be August 25th, a Friday. The time will be 1:00-3:00pm. If you would like to attend, please RSVP ahead of time and let us know. Thank you for everyone’s support and help for making this possible!
Project Hygiene Eugene is our 2022 “A Community Thrives” fundraising project. We plan on making and donating over 250 Hygiene Kits to local non-profits serving the homeless in Eugene. It will be four stages. In Stage One, we will survey the community and the homeless on what is needed in a hygiene kit to best meet the needs of the homeless and maximize effectiveness. Stage Two will the Acquisitions phase. We will be seeking in kind donations from community members in addition to purchasing the hygiene supplies identified in the first stage. For Stage Three we will put together the hygiene kits and deliver to them to local non-profits for distribution to the homeless. Lastly, Stage Four is the Evaluation of our project and strengths/weaknesses of the community’s hygiene and sanitation services.
If you would like to learn more, please contact us at helpinglanecounty@gmail.com or if you would like to donate, please visit:
Helping the Homeless Lane County | A Community Thrives (mightycause.com)